Mildenhall, Suffolk
The vision for the new neighbourhood at West Mildenhall is to deliver a locally distinctive community that is integrated with the natural and built environment and creates an identity that is recognisable as Mildenhall.
The neighbourhood will provide a network of green corridors that are a defining feature of the neighbourhood and will act as arteries providing recreation and movement connecting residents with a vibrant local centre at the heart of the new community and to the existing Mildenhall town centre.
The local centre will provide for the essential needs of the community and provide a central multi-functional public space that encourages social interaction within the community and compliments the existing public facilities at TheMildenhall Hub and the proposed new primary school and pre school setting.
Walking, cycling and public transport will take centre stage and will be prioritised over the car, promoting sustainable modes of transport and health and well being through active and healthy lifestyles for both new and existing residents.
Multi-functional open space will provide a high quality accessible green infrastructure network that protects and enhances existing vegetation, habitats, and achieves biodiversity net gain.
Building standards will be raised and will achieve adaptable and climate resilient design, which will drive down the carbon footprint of this development in response to the decision to call a Climate Emergency in the County and District.
Bluepencil Designs was appointed as Masterplanner working closely with Phase 2 Planning and Development, David Jarvis Associates, AEOM, INGENT and Concertus.
More details including the consultation events and their results can be found at the website
Suffolk County Council/Concertus
Prepare a Strategic mixed use Masterplan to be adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance
A short film showing how the West Mildenhall Local Centre could function