Mildenhall, Suffolk
The area around Mildenhall has been settled by humans since at least the Bronze Age. Following the Roman Empire invasion of Britain, Mildenhall was the site of a Roman settlement, which at some point contained the Mildenhall Treasure.
Mildenhall is centred on a market place with a 16th-century hexagonal market cross and town pump.
The name of the town was first recorded in 1050 as Mildenhale, believed to mean a nook of land belonging to a woman called "Milde" or a man called "Milda".
Bluepencil was appointed as Masterplanner working with Phase 2 Planning and Development, David Jarvis Associates, AEOM, INGENT and Concertus to prepare an outline planning application for the site.
The proposals include
• 1,300 dwellings, 30% affordable;
• 5ha employment minimum
• Primary School and Early Years;
• 10ha of Suitable Alternative Natural GreenSpace (SANG);
• Strategic Open Space, Allotments;
• Local Centre; and
• Public Services and Leisure Facilities
The Design and Access Statement was prepared as a robust and detailed document with all character areas and examples coming from the detailed data linked masterplan model. Following the outline application Bluepencil are to prepare a Design Code for the site so a detailed 3D model of the entire site was seen as extremely useful in the longer term. It will enable a smooth transition from outline to design code and then to reserved matters.
“‘Suffolk County Council engaged Bluepencil as masterplanners across a number of developments in the east and west of the county.
Bluepencil were a pleasure to work with – structured, prompt, experts in their field and confident working with planners, land owners, specialists and the public’”
Assistant Director Planning, Housing and Economic Growth Suffolk County Council
Suffolk County Council/Concertus
Prepare an Outline Planning Application for a large scale mixed use development
Mill Side character area model detail
Market Town character area model detail
Northern character area model detail
Fen Edge character area model detail
Mill Side character area illustration
Market Town character area illustration
Northern character area illustration
Fen Edge character area illustration
A short film showing how the West Mildenhall Local Centre could function