Boxted, Essex
Private House

The Dedham Vale AONB is the fourth smallest AONB in England at 90 square kilometres (around 35 square miles). It is essentially a farmed landscape. Boxted village lies within this beautiful landscape which has been a source of creative inspiration for many artists and writers over the centuries, but is most well known for its connections with one of England's greatest landscape painters: John Constable RA.

Planning consent was granted on this site as originally designed by Bluepencil (see the other project in Boxted on the projects page).

Bluepencil then passed the building regulations package to friend and former colleague, Andrew James. He was captivated by the unique secluded site within a woodland in this AONB and offered to purchase the site from the original owner and client. He then refined and improved the design and built this wonderful property which looks so appropriate in its setting.

The house runs itself with a Hybrid heating system designed by Andrew. It benefits from  solar gain in winter but the glass on the south elevation is protected in the summer by the cantilevered roof.

Completed house viewed from the south

CGI for planning application (original design) viewed from the south

Mr and Mrs J Minter/ Andrew James

A Full Plans Application for a new house in a wood within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Architect for original Planning Application only

The house in its unique setting

Front elevation - facing north


Mildenhall, Suffolk