Chelmer Mead, Essex
Strategic Masterplan

This site is between the historic hamlet of Little Dunmow and the recently built development called Flitch Green. Chater Homes and Home Group invited five architectural practices including Bluepencil, Metropolitan Architects, PRP, Farrels and Clague to prepare design proposals and present them to the client panel. 

Bluepencil was unanimously chosen by the panel because their proposal illustrated how the design of the masterplan should appear as though the hamlet of Little Dunmow had ‘grown naturally over time’.

Bluepencil Designs carried out extensive research into the natural growth patterns of local villages and embedded some of the townscape, landscape and architectural characteristics found locally into the proposed masterplan. This was very well recieved by committee members one of whom stated:

‘This is exactly how it should be done’

In addition to the Design and Access Statement, the Planning Application drawings and material for the Environmental Statement, Bluepencil Designs created a 3D model of the entire site which was data linked to provide the joint client team with up to date data as the design progressed and evolved,  so that appraisals could be checked at every stage.

Medieval timber framed house in Little Dunmow
The oldest house in Little Dunmow
Timber framed, jettied house in Little Dunmow

‘All architects engaged by developers should take a leaf out of your book. This is exactly how it should be done’.

Councillor J. Evans

Uttlesford District Council

Flitch Green play area, near Little Dunmow

Chater Homes

An Outline Application for  a mixed use development including 3000 new homes, local centre, school  employment and associated infrastructure.


spatial Masterplan of proposed development at shelter Mead, Dunmow, Essex
growth Analysis of Little Dunmow as it was in 1850
Growth Analysis of Little Dunmow as it was in 1930
Growth analysis of Little Dunmow as it was in 2018
Secondary Street Detail from Chelmer Mead masterplan
Tree Lined Boulevard detail from Chelmer Mead masterplan
Rural Edge Character Area from Chelmer Mead masterplan

Bramford, Suffolk


Kilnwood Vale, West Sussex