Do Parameter Plans protect design intent?
The only way to ensure the parameter plans protect the design intent is to make them tighter and this requires a deeper understanding.
Michael Gove - Fact Check
Michael Gove’s visit to the development has been featured in posts on social media by the architects and designers of the housing - and rightly so. However, I have read posts implying that the Design Code was just an unnecessary planning requirement that no one took any notice of and that it is the design of the housing itself that makes Great Kneighton a success. What an absurd view!
Shakespeare’s advice on Planning
Hark! To gain permission for twenty homes in fair England,
one must embark upon a quest fraught with bureaucratic peril yet ripe with opportunity.
The Added Value of Trees
The particular alignment and combined canopy of these trees formed a beautiful double arch which we all recognised as a significant and potentially valuable feature that should be woven into the masterplan.
AI v Thinking
Let us hope that AI will give us more time to think and be creative. It could, of course, make us think less…….
Bluepencil Meets German Engineering
We are very excited about this way of working, so far it seems to offer everything that our client wants: great design, precision build and certainty of cost.
Eco House
The concept behind the design is to create a building that ‘touches the ground lightly’. It will be a house with a green roof so that viewed from above it appears to have no footprint. Inspiration for the design has come from studies of historic turf roofed houses in Norway which appear to become part of the landscape over the years.
Working from Home
Being healthy and happy allows us to be far more creative. Working from home can be calm, quiet and peaceful which creates the SPACE FOR CREATIVITY - which for us, is what it is all about.
What do House Buyers Really Want?
Thanks to pre design research we now have a collection of house designs that people really like, would definitely buy and would enjoy living in.