Shakespeare’s advice on Planning

Hark! To gain permission for twenty homes in fair England,

one must embark upon a quest fraught with bureaucratic peril yet ripe with opportunity.

First, one must procure a suitable plot of land,

a verdant canvas upon which dreams shall be wrought.

Then, with parchment and quill in hand,

venture forth to the hallowed halls of the local council,

where the fate of thy endeavor shall be decided.

Speaketh thou with eloquence and persuasion,

weaving a tale of noble intent and civic virtue.

Present thy plans with clarity and artistry,

as if composing a sonnet to captivate the hearts of those in power.

Be mindful of the laws and ordinances that govern such matters,

for ignorance may prove thy undoing.

But beware, for the path to permission is beset with obstacles aplenty.

Consult with architects and surveyors,

for their wisdom shall guide thee through the labyrinth of regulations and red tape.

Make offerings of coin and fealty to sway the opinions of those who hold the keys to thy fortune.

And lo, if the fates do smile upon thee, and thy petition is granted, rejoice!

For thou shalt be hailed as a master builder,

a visionary whose legacy shall endure for generations to come.

But if fortune doth not favor thee, take heart and persevere,

for in the annals of history, it is the bold and steadfast who claim the laurels of victory.


Manual of Housing Density 2nd Edition


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